01/03/2013 Your 1 stop service for Kenaf in Thailand: www.kenafthai.com Looking for Kenaf in Thailand? Looking for a Partner to supply you with Kenaf? You have come to the right place. Kenafthai is your one stop service for Kenaf in Thailand. We plant kenaf, grow kenaf, cultivate kenaf, harvest kenaf and process kenaf in Thailand. You have a special project involving Kenaf, let us know. We are specialists in Kenaf and will assist you with all your Kenaf needs. Kenafthai Team. Kenaf, Kenaf in Thailand, Kenaf Thai, Thai Kenaf, Thailand Kenaf, Kenaf Thailand

Kenafthai Co., Ltd. is your one stop service for Kenaf in Thailand. Kenafthai is a company which has been founded to research and support green innovations utilizing kenaf. With our dedication to improve a better way of life for the community, it is our goal to continually develop new products in a …