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Siam Scandinavian Construction Empowering Activities

By Siam Scandinavian Construction and Business Co., Ltd.

Siam Scandinavian Construction Empowering Activities

11/29/2010 Date: November 29, 2010
Place: Siam Scandinavian Construction and Business Co., Ltd.
Bangkok Thailand

Siam Scandinavian Construction and Business Co., Ltd. is continuously providing environmentally friendly solution in Asia Pacific Region. The company currently working on the hydro-electric dam in Laos. The Nam-Hinboun Hydroelectric Power project was started to produce electricity in Laos for a state of art hydro dam. This project was owned by Electricite du Laos. At the same time, SSC&B is also working on a Design Filter Syrup project with Partex Sugar Mills in Bangladesh. The company provides project management to complete the IER Decolorization System for Refinery and Brine prepartation to regenerate IER. Another big project is expected to finish and be launched on the end of this month (November 2010), a mechanical and piping project with Thai Lube Base Oil,

These projects are just examples of SSC&B’s growing expertise in diverse industrial sectors. The company desire to provide an outstanding level of service that meets all of their clients’ requirements. In a conversation with their Managing Director, Mr. Tawanthada Poonnim confirms that Service is a major contributor to customer satisfaction, just as important, or even more important, than cost – once you have provided the best service, customers will return again and again. Indeed, in many circumstances, service may be the only thing that distinguishes you from the competition. As such, a bad reputation for service may compromise a company’s position in the marketplace. On the other hand, competency and know-how has proved invaluable to our success over the years and played an instrumental role in attracting new customers to SSCB. It is their guiding principles that intimately aligned with their commitment to provide the utmost quality to their clients. The company’s international expertise enables them to deliver projects on time and in accordance with international standards.

SSCB Engineering and Biomass power is the leader in large scale industrial construction projects throughout Thailand.


About This Author

Siam Scandinavian Construction and Business Co., Ltd.

Siam Scandinavian Construction and Business Co., Ltd.

Siam Scanadinavian Construction and Business Co., Ltd.Our Company, SSCB was registered in 1993, we started as a civil engineering construction company then moved onto biomass and power generation. In 1989 under the name Donkamin Construction Ltd Partnership, Khun Tawanthada Poonnim established an o…

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